
People from Pune or Punekars, as they are commonly referred to, often proudly say in Marathi “Pune tithe kay une?”, which literally translates into “What doesn't Pune have?”. This pride for their district is hardly unwarranted as Pune is a true melting pot of goodness. Its rich cultural heritage, flavorful and diverse cuisine, historical significance, are just some of the things that give the vibrant sprawl its remarkable reputation. The district's widespread scenic beauty spread across myriad grassy knolls, wetlands, forest areas, hill ranges and forts is also home to over 400 species of birds- a true haven for birdwatchers.

Below are some select species of birds found within the district.

  • Purple Sunbird:These small birds from the sunbird family are dimorphic in nature, as males boast a two-tone plumage, having dark brown wings and a metallic purple upper body. The females on the other hand, have olive green upper sides and yellow underbellies. Though they can be spotted across the city of Pune, they are most likely to be spotted near the Pashan lake, Sinhgad valley and in and around the town of Bhigwan.
  • Indian Grey Hornbill:This arboreal bird, though rare, is mostly spotted around Pune city. The birds are distinguishable owing to the presence of the casque (horn) which sits atop their curved beak. The casque is hollow and amplifies the hornbill’s calls. Overall, both the male and the female birds are covered in gray feathers with their bellies being dull white or a very light gray. They also have black tail feather ends while the tips of those feathers are white.
  • Shikra:These smaller birds of prey are a common sight across the district and can sometimes even be spotted from balconies by residents. The Shikra belongs to the hawk family, with the males of the species being identifiable by their blue-ish gray upper parts and by the brown-ish orange barring covering their chin, breast and belly. The females tend to be slightly larger and sport brownish gray uppers. In colonial India these birds were considered to be the hunter’s best friend as they were famed for their intelligence and their ability to be trained and tamed. The Shikra still enjoys this legacy even though the sport of falconry is now illegal in India.
  • Indian Paradise Flycatcher:Belonging to the monarch flycatcher family these elegant little birds are known to possess a noisy shriek. Adult males of the species have a shiny black head and mostly occur in two color morphs- rufous and white. Females also sport a black head but their chins tend to be gray with their bodies usually being rufous only. Both sexes boast a long ribbon like tail but the male tail is distinguishably longer. These birds are regularly sighted at the base of the famed Sinhagad Fort- a small birdwatcher’s hotspot called Sinhagad Valley.
  • Greater Flamingo:The most widespread species of the Flamingo family makes its mark in the Pune District at the small town of Bhigwan. When fully mature, these large birds sport long pink legs, an equally long “S” shaped neck and their kinked bills are stocky. Whilst at rest their plumage is whitish pink with stronger pinks appearing around their closed wings. In flight, the feathers are a striking deep pink at the front and black throughout the middle until their end.
  • Great Indian Bustard:These terrestrial birds are considered to be some of the heaviest flying birds across the world. The GIB is easily identifiable owing to its unmistakable black cap, long pale neck, and brown wings often sporting white spotting. The males of the species usually have a paler neck than the females. Unfortunately, these birds are critically endangered owing to hunting and loss of habitat. In the district, they have been known to reside at the Nannaj Bird Sanctuary of Solapur but no official sightings have been reported for a few years now. In 2018 it was estimated that less than 150 Great Indian Bustards were left on the Indian Subcontinent.
  • Yellow Crowned Woodpecker:This pied woodpecker is a common resident of the ARAI hills and is also known as the Mahratta Woodpecker. A medium sized woodpecker it exhibits a white barring and spots of black and white on its upper parts, while its underside is a patchy white and brown. Though both species occur with an all golden yellow crown, the male also sports a stroke of red feathers at the top of its head.
  • Peregrine Falcon:The fastest animal on the planet - the Peregrine Falcon is known to visit Bhigwan during its breeding season from March to April. A most esteemed member of the raptor bird family, the Peregrine Falcon is known to reach speeds up to 390 Kmph. The two sexes seem nearly identical in their plumage and patterns. Both usually have a dark brown coat of feathers as their upper parts, yellow eye-rings and dark brown barring on a pale underside but the females tend to be a fair bit larger than the males and can be so up to a remarkable 30%.
  • Crested Bunting:These small birdies are fond of grassy, bushy or even rocky hillsides. Sexual dimorphism is obvious in the species as both sexes appear quite distinct from one another. The males are largely glossy black with wings of striking chestnut, while the females have wings with duller chestnut outlines engulfing black feathers and their bodies are a mix of light brown and black plumage. Crested Buntings are commonly spotted in Saswad, Sinhagad Fort, Sinhagad Valley and their surrounding areas.
  • White Breasted Waterhen:Dwelling in the wetlands surrounding Kasarsai Dam, this waterbird from the rail family has a diverse, albeit, somewhat croaky vocal range. These birds are highly active during dusk and dawn and unlike their other rail or crake cousins, they are not timid at the slightest, as they are often spotted in the open, boldly moving across shallow water. Fully mature White Breasted Waterhens have slate upperparts, cinnamon undertails, and have a white face, chin and breast. The two sexes are mostly similar but females occur to be slightly smaller.

This list is by no measure exhaustive, Western Maharashtra and specifically the district of Pune, is a massive reserve for a plethora of bird species. While some species are dedicated visitors - ensuring year upon year to grace the land with their timely presence, many have found permanent residence within the diversity and topography of the land, perhaps they too believe “Pune tithe kay une?”.